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NIH: An Account of Research in Its Laboratories and Clinics

  • 1st Edition - January 1, 1984
  • Editor: DeWitt Stetten
  • Language: English
  • eBook ISBN:
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 7 7 5 5 - 4

NIH: An Account of Research in Its Laboratories and Clinics contains collected accounts of the Intramural Research Program, as they happened in the laboratories and clinics, in… Read more

NIH: An Account of Research in Its Laboratories and Clinics

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NIH: An Account of Research in Its Laboratories and Clinics contains collected accounts of the Intramural Research Program, as they happened in the laboratories and clinics, in various installations of the National Institutes of Health across the U.S.A. One paper discusses the etiology of schizophrenia which notes that, based on evidence and expanded adoption studies by Ketty, Rosenthal, and Wender, genetic factors actually contribute to the development of the disease. In developing countries, schizophrenia follows a more benign course. Some papers describe bacteriology, mycology, viral hepatitis, basic immunology, clinical immunology, and the development of enzymology. Researchers studying proteins elucidate on the synthesis and folding of protein chains, protein conformation and dynamics, the semisynthesis and protein function, as well as on sequence analysis and collagen research. Other papers describe the breaking of the genetic code, the progress made from the genetic code to beta thalassemia, to investigations of genetic diseases (such as galactosemia, gout, Lesch-Nyhan disease, mucopolysaccharide storage disease, and sickle cell disease). One paper notes the contribution of the intramural clinical research program of the National Cancer Institute to cancer therapy with emphasis in cancer chemotherapy. Professors in pharmacology, practitioners of general medicine, specialists or researchers dealing with microchemistry, toxicology, drug therapy, or oncology will find the collection valuable.