Elsevier · Anthony, R: Systems Programming · Welcome


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Welcome to the website for Anthony, R: Systems Programming: Designing and Developing Distributed Applications.

Systems Programming: Designing and Developing Distributed Applications explains how the development of distributed applications depends on a foundational understanding of the relationship among operating systems, networking, distributed systems, and programming. Uniquely organized around four viewpoints (process, communication, resource, and architecture), the fundamental and essential characteristics of distributed systems are explored in ways which cut across the various traditional subject area boundaries. The structures, configurations and behaviours of distributed systems are all examined, allowing readers to explore concepts from different perspectives, and to understand systems in depth, both from the component level and holistically.

This site provides the following resources for students:

About these resources

This book is accompanied by a substantial resource-base to support the various activities and programming exercises.

The resources comprise tools for carrying out experiments (the workbenches), as well as significant numbers of sample applications (with full source code, project files and executable files) in three languages: C++, C Sharp (C#), and Java. The README file below provides more details:

README (March 17, 2015)

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