Elsevier · Haddow, Bullock, Coppola: Introduction to Emergency Management, 6th Edition · Welcome


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Welcome to the website for Haddow, Bullock, Coppola: Introduction to Emergency Management, 6th Edition.

This site contains supplemental materials and other resources to accompany Introduction to Emergency Management, 6th Edition. Below are descriptions of the content available on this site. To access the content, please click the tabs in the navigation bar to the left.

  • Supplements for the Fifth Edition. If you are using the Fifth Edition, you can access the supplements for that edition by following these links.
  • Further Reading.  Links to information and content related to the material covered in the text are available here.
  • Self-Assessment Question Bank. This online self-quizzing interactivity can enhance your review and study sessions. Each question is presented in an interactive format that allows for immediate feedback.
  • Figures from the Text.  Figures from the text in PDF and PPT formats are available for each chapter and can be downloaded here.
  • Errata. Errata for the Sixth Edition will be posted here when it becomes available.